School-Based Health Centers Boost Student Attendance

Study shows on-campus healthcare can effectively reduce absenteeism, promote well-being

October 23, 2023

KPSOM Student Caryssa Lim and Professor of Health Systems Science Paul J. Chung

KPSOM Student Caryssa Lim and Professor of Health Systems Science Paul J. Chung

Paul J. Chung, Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine (KPSOM) Professor of Health Systems Science, and KPSOM student Caryssa Lim have coauthored a study showing that School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) can significantly enhance school attendance rates. The findings revealed a substantial improvement in school attendance among SBHC users after their initial visit to the health center. 

Prior to their first SBHC visit, students had a declining attendance trajectory, but this trend reversed post-visit, with a marked reduction in absenteeism. Interestingly, students who utilized SBHCs for mental health services saw the most significant improvements in attendance, with attendance rates increasing substantially after their first mental health visit. 

Read the article here .