Caroline Ferguson-Dryden
When I started med school two and a half years ago, I joined the Altadena Mountain Rescue Team. It’s a nonprofit organization through the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. We rescue people who are lost, injured, in need of help, stuck somewhere on a cliff or something like that out in the San Gabriel Mountains… Everyone on a search and rescue team in Los Angeles County is required to be an EMT and have that active certification. I used to work as an EMT, so I had my certification already when I started medical school; that's how I got interested in joining search and rescue as a volunteer opportunity, because it melded medicine and my love of the outdoors and rock climbing and all that together. And so, when the fire broke out, we got dispatched because that's our area.
Actually, Eaton Canyon's one of our most popular locations for rescues because it's a very popular hiking destination. And so, as soon as I got that dispatch on my phone I got my stuff ready to go, and since it was the Santa Ana winds, I knew it was going to be... pretty bad; not as bad as it ended up ultimately being, but I was pretty sure I was going to be out all night. I was in the middle of working on a PowerPoint presentation for school and [I] just dropped it; I [knew I would] get it done later. And so, I hopped in my car, went up to our station, which is in Altadena, where we all [changed] into our fire brush gear and [got] our assignments for the night. For the first few hours of the fire, myself and two other team members were out doing traffic control on the busy evacuation routes, which was very important because the power was out. It was very dark; the smoke was already so bad that visibility for driving was very low. So, we just were trying to direct traffic at intersections, so that we didn't have any additional injuries or crashes, and also just making sure that people were going the right way and weren't going towards the fire. That was the first few hours of the night.
Around 9 p.m., the fire had jumped into the neighborhood, into Altadena, and was burning houses. And I'm sure everyone has seen social media pictures and videos, but I think the best way I can describe it was it felt like you were standing in a snow blizzard, but instead of snow it was just embers flying by you in these wind gusts that were getting up to seventy, eighty, ninety miles an hour. It was pretty apocalyptic, pretty surreal. And as the fire was getting worse, we were called back to the station and given a different assignment. Mainly for the rest of the night we were to help evacuate residents who were not able to get out on their own. Mainly people who were elderly and didn't have help getting out, many people with disabilities who had mobility issues and didn't have the resources to evacuate, and then many people with chronic health conditions who were not able to evacuate on their own. We would get an address; we wouldn't know anything about who was at that address, we just received an address from Los Angeles County Fire telling us to go check on that house. We'd go to that house, see if anyone was inside, any signs of life. And if there were, we tried to enter the house and help whoever was inside evacuate. The first house we went to was an intergenerational family, maybe six people in this house, and the grandfather had Parkinson's with dementia, and was in a wheelchair that was too big to fit through a car door. So, our team had to unfortunately leave his wheelchair behind. [We] had to lift him into his family's car and figure out a location for them to go safely. At that point, the Pasadena Convention Center had opened for evacuees.
Another woman lived with her son in a house that looked like they were... homebodies, meaning they hadn't left their homes [in] what looked like a very long time. And this woman had a bunch of chronic heart conditions and other health issues that required her to be on an external pacemaker; she had been bed bound for almost a year and couldn't even sit up. That took a lot of coordination. And of course, they were very afraid of leaving because they hadn't left the house in so long. And this woman was in horrible pain… I actually really leaned on what I've learned at [KPSOM], just not necessarily like a medical skill, but more of like the soft art of medicine skills, to partner with her and make sure I understood why she was so afraid of leaving and work with her through that in this crazy, rushed, hectic, chaotic moment and try to understand where she was coming from so that we could make a plan for her to evacuate safely. And that was really rewarding because we got to a point where she was on board with the plan, really appreciative that we had listened to why she was upset and scared.
At KPSOM we’ve done simulation training in high-stakes scenarios where someone is crashing, and it can get pretty stressful to be in that situation, knowing you're being watched and graded. For me, the repeated practice with doing something under stressful conditions definitely helped me out there, because the whole night was a very stressful experience. And there were so many times when I genuinely feared for my own safety and my own life. I think being able to do everything you can to keep yourself safe but also pushing aside that primal fear and focusing on what you need to do, in front of you, in that moment was very necessary that night. I think repeated practice under mildly stressful conditions and simulation training really helped me to focus on what needed to be done while staying as safe as I could.