President, the Josiah Macy Foundation; former Dean for Medical Education, The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
What’s the most important quality for doctors to have?
A solid intellectual foundation, stimulated by curiosity and combined with compassion and personal humility.
What inspires you in your work?
I am inspired by people’s capacity to face life’s struggles and challenges. I am inspired by the courage, grace, and generosity of our patients and of the students, residents, staff, and faculty with whom I work. I am inspired by the history of medicine and by scientific advances that have halted disease and relieved suffering.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
Medical school was “Plan B.” My first dream was to be a concert pianist or a flutist in a world-class orchestra.
What’s your most annoying habit?
I love the Green Bay Packers. My friends, colleagues, and family members in Chicago find this annoying!