Founding Dean and CEO Emeritus; Professor
- Health Systems Science
A physician, scientist, educator, and advocate for healthy families and communities, Dr. Mark A. Schuster is recognized as an international leader in research on child, adolescent, and family health, concentrating on topics such as quality of care; health disparities; family leave; obesity prevention; sexual and gender minority health; and bullying. Dr. Schuster has written two books and more than 250 journal articles, as well as numerous research briefs and reports. He had continuous federal research funding, including funding from AHRQ, CDC, and NIH, from 1998 until moving to the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine. Dr. Schuster has precepted in primary and urgent care, developed and taught a course on community-based participatory health research, taught classes in multiple courses, and served as a mentor to students, residents, and faculty. He has held various leadership roles, including service as President of the Academic Pediatrics Association and Director of the Harvard Catalyst Health Disparities Program. An elected member of the National Academy of Medicine, Dr. Schuster is the recipient of the St. Geme Leadership Award from the Federation of Pediatric Organizations, the Barger Excellence in Mentoring Award from Harvard Medical School, and the Richardson Award for lifetime achievement from the Society for Pediatric Research. Dr. Schuster was named among Modern Healthcare’s 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare for 2018 and 2019 and their 50 Most Influential Clinical Executives in 2019. He was appointed Founding Dean and CEO of the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine in 2017.